

Group Workshops

Group workshops are a great way to kick start team development. We offer:

5 Voices - Everyone speaks, but not everyone is heard. Discover your unique leadership voice and how to leverage it for the good of others.

5 Gears - How to get maximum relational value while still getting stuff done and avoiding burnout.

Communication Code - There’s a difference between transmission and communication. Learning this simple code will change all of your conversations.

Multiplying Leaders - How to effectively build future capacity for your team or organization. The next great leader is in your organization.

Team Development


Great teams are developed!

With the help of our tools we can build a specific plan with you to help any team, from 2 people to 20, develop into a great team. Contact us today to set up a FREE discovery meeting or call.

What People Are Saying

“This presentation was exactly what I wanted and needed. I immediately went home and started sharing what I learned with my husband. The best meeting I've been to at work ever!”

— Jennifer H BCS Student Nutrition

“Amazing, amazing, amazing job! I've already spoken to coworkers that if they've not had the 5 Gears training, that I would highly recommend it.”

— Josh Beavercreek City Schools